Patient & Caregiver Resources

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Pain Conditions

Recommended Reading
Chronic Pain And Caregiving – How To Stay Connected?
Sometimes, life may seem to be far worse than death for people suffering from severe chronic pain. If pain lasts longer than six months, it is called chronic pain. A significant proportion of the human population is suffering from chronic…
Lisa Niemi Swayze Talks About Caregiving in the Public Eye
Lisa Niemi Swayze talks about caregiving in the public eye. Patrick Swayze was an image of vitality for most people, bursting into the public eye with iconic performances in movies like The Outsiders,…
Leeza Gibbons on Caregiving
She’s a well-known television personality, new Rose Bowl Parade host, and an Emmy award winner, but Leeza Gibbons’ non-entertainment roles have introduced her to an entirely different audience of fans.…
Tips for Caregivers During the Holidays
Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s how to handle the stress. It’s easy for caregivers to get stressed out during the holiday season. As caregivers, many of us are already overwhelmed with our…
Healthy Caregivers
While more than 65 million caregivers—and I am one of them—currently attend to the sickest in our country, statistics show that 72 percent of us fail to see our own…