Home Remedies For Pain In Wisdom Tooth – Natural Remedies That Work!

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that develop in our mouth. There are a total of four wisdom teeth each at the furthest corners of the top and bottom gums. They usually come during the late teen years to early twenties. It is a very painful experience as the tooth pushes through the gums. Since wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth, there may not be enough room in the mouth to grow properly.
Some Natural Methods For Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief
Dealing with the throbbing discomfort of wisdom tooth pain is a common dental woe that many individuals face. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often make their appearance during late adolescence or early adulthood. While these teeth can be valuable assets if they grow properly, they can also be the source of excruciating pain and discomfort due to various issues such as impaction, infection, or gum inflammation.

The symptoms of wisdom teeth sometimes develop suddenly and sometimes gradually over time. The symptoms include redness, swelling or bleeding in the gums, bad taste in the mouth, swelling and pain in the jaws or face, bad breath, infection and inflammation of the tissues around partially erupted teeth, decay of teeth, and cyst formation in the jaws.
There are some home remedies for the pain in wisdom teeth. Let’s look into some effective home remedies for wisdom tooth pain.
Salt water rinse
A salt water rinse is a very effective and easiest way to relieve your wisdom tooth pain. For salt water rinse, take some water in a glass of water and dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in it. Then rinse your mouth with salt water for a few seconds and then spit it out. Repeat rinsing your mouth with warm salt water every few hours and you will begin to experience pain relief.
A salt water mouth rinse is also helpful in reducing the bacteria on your teeth and gums as it temporarily increases the pH value in your mouth and creates an alkaline environment in which bacteria find it difficult to survive.

Apply heat or ice
Applying an ice pack to the affected area can bring temporary relief if the wisdom tooth pain is the result of swelling. Apply the ice to the swollen area using a commercial ice pack or put some ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel, and press on the affected area. You will get pain relief by applying ice. It will also help to decrease inflammation. Applying cold helps to numb the area, which in turn helps to reduce pain and tenderness in the affected area. Cold is also efficient in controlling swelling and inflammation.
Applying gentle heat is also effective in controlling pain. It can promote healing by giving relief from tension and by increasing the blood flow to the area. You have to find out which works best for your pain. Heat or cold can be alternatively used to give relief from pain. Apply heat or cold to the affected area for several minutes at a time, several times a day.

Clove oil
Clove oil is an ideal solution for treating any kind of tooth pain. Clove oil contains a unique chemical called Eugenol with some useful properties. It can act as an anesthetic and antibacterial agent. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antifungal properties. Clove oil can be easily applied to the affected area. First, take some clove oil, put it on a cotton ball or cotton swab, and apply directly on the gums immediately surrounding the tooth.
If you find the flavor of clove oil too strong, you can mix it with a small amount of olive oil. This will make the clove oil milder. Continue applying clove oil till the pain subsides. Be careful not to overdose as clove oil is known to cause liver toxicity. Overdose may happen if you ingest 10 to 30 milliliters of clove oil.

Peppermint is a good pain reliever for pain in wisdom teeth. It has good anesthetic properties that will help to significantly lower tooth pain and remove bacteria in the mouth that cause the infection. It also has a naturally fresh aroma that will help to keep your mouth fresh.
There are two ways to apply peppermint to your teeth. First, take fresh peppermint leaves and keep them pressed for at least twenty minutes, and the pain will subside. You can also use the extract of peppermint leaves. Apply peppermint extract on your teeth and gums using a cotton swab. Keep it on your teeth for a few minutes and you can feel relief from the wisdom tooth pain.

Onion is a reliable remedy for wisdom tooth pain. Onions are already used as a home remedy to relieve pain and inflammation from arthritis. The same properties of onion are used in fighting the pain of wisdom teeth. The effectiveness of onion comes from the phytochemicals that target the germs responsible for the infection. This gives you much-needed relief from tooth pain.
Since the raw onions have a pungent taste it will be difficult to chew and ingest. You will have to take onions that have a strong taste as they provide much better pain relief than mild onions. Red or yellow onions give you much better results. You can use the onion for pain relief by chewing it on the side of your mouth that is in pain. This helps the juice to penetrate deep into your teeth, aiding in pain relief.

Tea Bags
Tea bags are a good solution for wisdom tooth pain. It is especially useful if your wisdom tooth pain is due to swollen gums around the infected area. The tannic acid found in the tea has many anti-inflammatory properties and is thus used in many home remedies. First, boil the tea bag in a cup of water and keep it in the refrigerator after cooling down. Take it when it is cold and place it directly over the gum that hurts. This will help to reduce the swelling and will bring pain relief in no time.

Vanilla Extract
Vanilla is commonly used in cooking and baking as a flavoring agent. It is also useful when it comes to tooth pain. Vanilla extract is found to contain eugenol, which is a chemical that has antiseptic and analgesic properties. So it is effective in relieving tooth pain. It can be easily applied by using a cotton swab or cotton ball.
Apply directly on the affected tooth and surrounding gums and you will feel relief from the pain.

Cucumber slices help to relieve wisdom tooth pain. They do not have infection-fighting properties but are very helpful in relieving tooth pain. For this take a cucumber, rinse it, and cut it into small slices. Place these slices in the refrigerator. When you begin to feel pain, take a slice of a cucumber and place it directly above the affected tooth. The cool cucumber will soothe the pain immediately.

Guava leaves
Guava leaves are very efficient in pain relief. The leaves of guava have anti-spasm properties. It also has antibacterial and disinfecting qualities. You can use guava leaves to relieve pain by simply chewing them slowly in your mouth. The juices from the leaves will be released and they will start taking effect within a few minutes. You can also use it by boiling a few leaves in a pot. You can use this solution as a mouthwash.

Wisdom tooth pain is unavoidable in our lives, but we can get relief from this condition if we follow some home remedies mentioned above. While taking any of these remedies try to avoid foods that are hard and contain lots of sugar.
Chewing hard foods can increase the pain and sugar particles in the food may get into your gums and aggravate the wisdom tooth infection. Drink lots of water to keep your gums hydrated. Always keep your mouth clean to avoid any infection. Consult your dentist if the symptoms remain unresolved.
Dr. Edward Zelman
Dr. Edward Zelman is a distinguished and highly respected medical professional who has dedicated his career to the field of general medicine. With a profound commitment to patient care and a wealth of knowledge acquired over decades of practice, Dr. Zelman has earned a reputation as a trusted healthcare provider in his community. With a career defined by excellence and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of his patients and the broader community, Dr. Edward Zelman stands as a pillar of the medical field, dedicated to the principles of healing and compassionate care. At present, Dr. Edward Zelman is researching safe and effective natural remedies that can restore as well as maintain the youthful functioning of the body.
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