How Does Keto Headache Feel And How Long Does It Last?

Ketosis is a process that happens when our body does not get enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat stored in our bodies and makes a substance called ketones. Ketones are substances that our liver generates when our cells do not get enough glucose. They are basically water-soluble molecules that contain the ketone groups produced from fatty acids by the liver.
Headache Is Actually A Sign That Our Body Is In Ketosis!
Several factors cause headaches during ketosis. The headache is actually a sign that our body is in ketosis. The transition to a low-glucose diet makes the body rely on ketones, which causes the blood sugar level to drop. As glucose is the primary source of energy even for the proper functioning of the brain, this
sudden transition may stress out the brain and causes headache.

Another reason for the headache is dehydration. During ketosis, we tend to urinate more frequently and thus lose more water. The lack of water and electrolytes can further worsen the headache. Therefore it is important to stay hydrated all the time. It is advisable to drink a gallon of water every day. As alcohol is a diuretic, it is best to stop drinking or limit alcohol consumption while following the diet.
Caloric Restricted Diet, Ketosis Leads Headache
a caloric-restricted diet leads our body into a metabolic state characterized by elevated ketone bodies. Above all, it is our body’s way of shifting to emergency mode. As the body has only fat as an energy source, a
person in ketosis loses more fat in a very short period.
A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that uses the body’s ability to burn more fat for energy in a ketosis state. So a person following a keto diet increases the fat intake by up to 70 percent of the daily calorie intake and significantly cuts down on carbohydrates to 5 percent. Generally, the daily carbs are restricted to
50 grams per day, mostly coming from fibrous sources like vegetables.
In the diet, the primary sources of carbs like rice, wheat, barley, etc are not consumed. On the other hand, we could indulge in meat, eggs, and dairy products without being cautious about their fat content. We can no longer be worried about how much oil we use while cooking. We should also include more vegetables in the
diet for fiber as it is the only source of fiber we would be getting in a low-carb diet.
Fat Is Lost More Quickly In ketos
Even though the main reason why people take up a ketogenic diet is its ability to rapid fat loss, the diet comes with many other benefits. It lowers the blood sugar level and thus reduces the risk of diabetes. It improves brain function and increases physical stamina. It reduces anxiety and improves sleep
Ketosis affects the hunger hormone and helps us to stay full for a long time. We could eat without being dependent on calorie tracking. Although it may seem tempting to take up a keto diet from the very next day, it also comes with some potential side effects like insomnia, keto breath, and digestive changes.
Other Side Effects Of Ketosis
The lack of fiber in the diet causes constipation. Even though we experience an increase in energy during ketosis, the initial days of going into ketosis can make us feel more tired and experience a decrease in exercise performance. One of the main side effects is the flu-like symptoms that we experience after 2 or 3
days into ketosis known as keto flu. The symptoms include nausea, foggy brain, dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramp, and headache. Of these, headache is the most common and irritating side effect.
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