What Can Cause Pain Under The Right Breast?

Are you experiencing pain under the right breast? If you are wondering about the underlying cause, here is what could be causing the pain and when to see a doctor.
Is It the Same As Pain Under The Left Breast?
Calm your nerves as it is common for most women to experience pain under either of the breasts. And it is better not to be flippant as there are some exceptional cases and sometimes pain under the left breast can be due to heart attacks.
If left breast pain is bringing you unease then go see a doctor right away because it is a run-for-your-life situation. However, pain under the right breast can be a difficult one to judge.

It can be alarming sometimes and nothing to be concerned about at times. Here are a few of such perplexing reasons.
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Firstly, fibrocystic breast disease is a condition in which breasts feel lumpy. This is non-cancerous yet quite painful. Fibrocystic breast disease is cyclical but it can also be constant.
This condition even though it is common for women between the ages of 20 and 50, is rare to occur post-menopause. Fibrocystic breast disease is often associated with hormonal changes.
Caffeine and alcohol are not advised for those who experience this condition as these have the potential to worsen it. Symptoms include breast pain, lumps in the breast, and changes in the shape of the breast.
Preventive Measures
Fibrocystic breast disease is because by hormonal changes and it can be prevented from aggravating by cutting down on caffeine and chocolates. This will do you good by not worsening the cysts.
Breast Cancer
Unlike the previous condition, breast cancer is malignant. This type of carcinoma is more prevalent in women than in men. Breast cancer is common with over one million annual cases in India. Like other cancers, breast cancer is curable if it is diagnosed in the early stages.
Carcinomas spread faster and they get out of hand sooner. Immediate medical attention is obligatory in such cases.
It is depressing how just being a woman means being much more vulnerable to breast cancer. Changes in the shape of breasts and blood discharge are the most common symptoms.
Preventive Measures
There are no tested ways that prevent breast cancer. The silver-lining is there are things you can do to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Engaging yourself in the physical activity of your choice is said to lower the risks.
Another reason why you could be experiencing pain under the right breasts might be costochondritis. Costochondritis is less scary than a heart attack but the symptoms can be like that of a cardiac arrest.
Cartilages that join the breastbone and the ribs get inflammatory and this is costochondritis. The pain is like a heart attack as it has got something forceful and tugging happening there.
Sudden and more physical strain is likely to lead you to costochondritis. Giving yourself a little rest is the best remedy here.
Over-the-counter pain relievers have proven to be effective in subsiding the soreness. Severe cough, rib pain, and chest pain are the symptoms of costochondritis.
Preventive Measures
Avoiding too much physical exertion can keep costochondritis at bay.
Tietze Syndrome
While Tietze syndrome can share similarities with costochondritis, the swelling in Tietze syndrome is the distinguishing feature between the two.
This is also a rare disorder characterized by swelling of the cartilage and pain in the chest. Tietze syndrome can affect suddenly or gradually but it causes some extreme pain.
However, this disorder is nothing to be worried about. In some patients, the pain might go away sooner, while the swelling stays. People who have had bad fits of coughing, respiratory infections, and physical strain are likely to be the affected ones.
Pain can be felt usually in the second or third rib in Tietze syndrome. In extreme cases, Tietze syndrome permeates to the neck and shoulders. But do not get panicky as they are not commonplace.
Cases are not so serious and the syndrome goes away without any treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs can get rid of swelling.
Preventive Measures
There is not much difference between costochondritis and Tietze syndrome and the costochondritis’ preventive measures apply here, too.
Muscle Strain
As the name suggests, if pain under the right breast is ascribed to muscle strain, it is just a normal strain and there is nothing to get jumpy about.
Muscle strain can happen anywhere in the body and when it happens under the chest it is just the same. Soreness and pain can be because of overstretching of muscles and there might be chest pain as well.
Lifting something heavy or handling heavy machinery and equipment are the general causes. It can be felt under either of the breasts. Though it is common in athletes, anyone who exerts themselves more can get pectoral strain.
Preventive Measures
Avoiding sudden weight-lifting and physically exerting activities.
1) How long till Fibrocystic breasts go away?
Fibrocystic breasts are common in women between the ages of 20 and 30. Women who have hit menopause do not have the probability of getting fibrocystic breasts.
Women in their 30s experience this is a lot more and it intensifies somewhere around the age of 35. So, when a woman reaches menopause that might be the end of fibrocystic breasts in normal cases. As seen above, avoiding chocolates, coffee, and food that contains too much fat are some effective measures to lower the symptoms of fibrocystic breasts.
2) Is costochondritis that serious?
Costochondritis is usually non-dangerous. Although the symptoms start to withdraw, it is advised to consult a doctor if the pain and swelling continue to sustain.
Treatment for costochondritis focuses on pain relief. The symptoms can last from anywhere between a few days to a few weeks. It might be a few months in severe cases.
3) Is a muscle strain in the chest so painful?
Muscle strain in the chest can be sharp or dull. The muscle we are talking about now is either overstretched or torn. Even though the ache that is caused is more the overall issue is of no consequence.
Poor flexibility, poor posture, and falling are the underlying reasons that can stir pain in the chest muscle. Treatment is not required unless the pain gets chronic.
4) What age group is more exposed to breast cancer?
The risk of developing breast cancer is directly proportional to age. Older people are at risk than the younger generation. Breast cancer is predominantly found in women than men. People who are more than 50 years of age should take the necessary precautionary measures.
5) What can breast cancer patients eat?
To dampen the repercussions of breast cancer, patients are advised to include fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, food rich in vitamins, and food containing anti-inflammatory properties.
It is best to avoid processed food, food rich in sugar, and fried food items as they bring negative impacts.
I have explained the possible reasons that might be causing pain under the right breast. Unless, you are experiencing costochondritis, Tietze syndrome or muscle strain, it is safe to consult a doctor.
Dr. Edward Zelman
Dr. Edward Zelman is a distinguished and highly respected medical professional who has dedicated his career to the field of general medicine. With a profound commitment to patient care and a wealth of knowledge acquired over decades of practice, Dr. Zelman has earned a reputation as a trusted healthcare provider in his community. With a career defined by excellence and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of his patients and the broader community, Dr. Edward Zelman stands as a pillar of the medical field, dedicated to the principles of healing and compassionate care. At present, Dr. Edward Zelman is researching safe and effective natural remedies that can restore as well as maintain the youthful functioning of the body.
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