Benefits Of CBD On Skin – Find The Power Of CBD!

Benefits Of CBD On Skin

Skin is a major health-determining factor of the body. It is the organ that is exposed to the good and bad that exists in the world outside. The skin plays an important role in protecting the body through numerous functions that keeps out harmful microbes and aid the smooth functioning of the rest of the body.

The role of skin in the body ranges from preventing dehydration to keeping your bones healthy. It has much more to say about our health than we think. Wake Forest University’s MD, Joseph Jorizzo refers to skin as the window to our health. Skin problems that appear can be a sign of major or minor underlying health conditions. 

Skin diseases contribute to 1.79% of diseases worldwide and reports say that one in four people in the united states is affected by a skin disorder. Being aware of symptoms can be crucial to receive a diagnosis and treatment from healthcare professionals or dermatologists.

CBD Skincare Secrets: Unveiling The Top Benefits For Your Skin!

In this article, we will be going through the countless benefits of CBD or Cannabidiol on the skin. Cannabidiol is an approved prescription drug extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant that is effectively used to treat a variety of skin disorders around the world. Before discussing the impacts of CBD, let’s look at some common skin conditions bothering the world today.

CBD Skincare Secrets

Common skin conditions:

Let’s dive into some common skin diseases that can be annoying or signal a major health problem.

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Rosacea
  • Vitiligo
  • Lupus
  • Moles
  • Age spots
  • Temporary conditions like acne, warts, hives, and so on

What is CBD?

Drugstores have a trending acronym showing up on their skincare product labels- ‘CBD’. As a result of several studies on the effectiveness of CBD on the skin, it has been proven beneficial for skin health and can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Studies show that this compound can heal dry skin and inflammatory skin diseases owing to its hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties. 

The history of cannabidiol originating from cannabis seeds goes back nearly 12,000 years ago. Over the years, the medicinal and commercial value and applications were handed over through traders and nomadic tribes. Today, Cannabidiol is one of the trending compounds used in the skin and beauty industry. But, do they really work to give the skin a second chance? Let’s take a look. 

How does Cannabidiol act on the skin? What are the benefits?

When you approach a health specialist with skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, and so on, they are likely to prescribe you steroids without second thoughts. Although these steroids can display immediate anti-inflammatory properties, they do reveal potential side effects in the long run. On the other hand, CBD has been giving out similar anti-inflammatory effects as steroids without subsequent side effects showing up. 

It’s good news that CBD is healing acne with its oil-reducing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. CBD can prevent the excessive production of sebum, a waxy substance the skin produces that can cause acne. It is also beneficial for fading acne scars. 

Evidence shows that CBD can treat common skin irritations like dryness and itching and can even prevent eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. 

The antioxidant components in CBD are a lifesaver for those going through the timidity of aging. It can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and delay the signs of aging. 

Research going on about how CBD can directly impact the skin and improve its quality is flourishing and the results so far are highly impressive. In addition, It has been claimed to help with an array of conditions including psoriasis, osteoarthritis, anxiety, and even cancer! 

Possible risk factors:

CBD has so far shown negligible side effects and is a safe choice for those hunting down a treatment option or a cosmetic product to improve their skin quality. Unlike THC, another chemical found in cannabis plants, CBD does not produce a high when used.

There have been reported minor side effects in rare cases like itching and drowsiness. It depends on how the product reacts to the person as with any other. Prior testing can avoid such uncertainties. 

There is an absence of reliable information if CBD products can be used while pregnant or breastfeeding. But it’s considered precautious to avoid usage in such times to be on the safe side in case the product is contaminated with ingredients that might harm the fetus or baby. 

Even though most CBD products are suitable for all skin types, it is advised to go for tests prior to using them. Since everybody reacts differently to any supplements, it is recommended to check for reactions. In case of any irritation, rashes, or allergies, dermatologists are ready for you. 

How are they available and how to use them? 

Cannabidiol is readily available in drug stores as lotions, oils, and creams. Lately, they have been reformed to appear in a variety of products from CBD lattes in coffee shops to CBD gummies! Being a spiking beauty-enhancing product, spas even offer CBD facials, not to talk about beauty companies. 

Some of the beauty products in the market are hydrating lip balms, facial serums, masks, body creams, lotions for cracked skin, foot creams, creams for sensitive skin, scalp treatment lotions, aromatherapy products, and much more.

It is advised to read instructions properly for dosage and such information before starting with any CBD products. CBD oil or products containing it can be directly applied to the skin. It can be used by putting a few drops under the tongue or even adding to lotions and creams. 

Is it legal? 

The 2018 farm bill says that cannabinoids derived from hemp, containing less than 0.3% THC are legal. However, being a cosmetic product, it cannot be infused into any food products. 

How to choose the right CBD products? 

Since FDA does not currently regulate CBD products, as a measure of caution, always look for:

  • Products free from pesticides and heavy metals
  • Clearly labeled ingredients
  • Companies that provide certificates of analysis
  • Products that pass safety testing
  • CBD potency
  • Price 
  • Manufacturer’s reputation
  • Customer reviews

Final verdict:

CBD came as a revolution in the beauty and skincare industry and opened a market of opportunities. Today, the skin is subjected to diverse harmful factors due to pollution and radiation. There is a spike in the number of skin reactions and patients emerging every day. An effective product with negligible proven side effects is a lifesaver to those suffering in silence.

CBD has shown promising results in treating itches, acne, dermatitis, and redness that are unbelievably common today. Besides helping in pain management and inflammation, it even has calming effects. Anyone intending to try out any CBD product must try a patch test to ensure that the product is safe for you. If your skin shows any allergic reactions, medical supervision is recommended. If you or anyone in your acquaintance has a skin condition, try out CBD and see if your skin falls in love with it. 

Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman is a distinguished and highly respected medical professional who has dedicated his career to the field of general medicine. With a profound commitment to patient care and a wealth of knowledge acquired over decades of practice, Dr. Zelman has earned a reputation as a trusted healthcare provider in his community. With a career defined by excellence and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of his patients and the broader community, Dr. Edward Zelman stands as a pillar of the medical field, dedicated to the principles of healing and compassionate care. At present, Dr. Edward Zelman is researching safe and effective natural remedies that can restore as well as maintain the youthful functioning of the body.

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